5 ways having my dog has improved my mental health

 In Mind, Mindfulness and Life

Even if he does often hurt my bank balance 😉

Getting my puppy Wally was one of the best decision I have ever made. He has not only improved my physical health by getting me out of the house more but getting my dog has improved my mental health. I have so much love for Wally I can’t even explain and I can’t imagine my life without him even if he does make things like travel or nights out a little more complicated. I still wouldn’t trade it for anything because every day I know when I come home he will be there to offer me love, support and untethered joy just from my mere existence.

1. Constant company and companionship

As an introvert I tend to spend a lot of time by myself, I enjoy this and its how I recharge so that I can go to work or go to social events or just go outside. Now that I have Wally that time I spend by myself is less likely to lead to loneliness as he is my constant companion. He’s always there to snuggle with on the couch when I am not feeling like interacting with the outside world.

2. Exercise and getting out of the house

Even with his constant companionship inside my house he also pushes me to get out more. I may not socialise myself but I do leave the house and take him for walks or to the dog park. Even on days when all I really want to do is curl up into our little cocoon and snuggle on the couch I feel bad if I don’t give him some sort of exercise. This puppy mum guilt then pushes me to get up and get outside and exercise Wally which then in turn also gives me exercise and gets me out of the house.

Wally via whereswallyh instagram

Wally as a baby vs now

3. Unconditional love even at my darkest times

Not matter how I feel about myself on any given day, and everyone has days when they don’t like themselves, Wally always loves me. This constant and unconditional love helps me turn myself around and get back into the mindset of loving myself. I mean if he can love me then I must have something going for me, right? Plus feeling the love I have for him just makes my whole world so much brighter and it gives me so much to look forward to. I also have him to thank, partially at least, for me truly pursuing my dreams because I want the freedom to be able to hang out with him all the time rather than spending the majority of my time in an office away from him.

4. Joy, fun and playfulness

These feelings cannot be overstated. The amount of joy and light he brings into my life everyday cannot ever be truly quantified. He helps me remember to play and have fun, whether it be throwing the ball at the park, chasing him around the house or just playing tug he always reminds me to take a moment to play. He also reminds me to slow down and take everything in life in. Whenever I am walking with him he has to stop to sniff every pole or plant or patch of grass, and often I just tug on his lead because I just want to keep going but he still just keeps stopping reminding me that we should remember to take in the moments in life.

5. Calmness and relaxation

No matter how stressed or wired i am just one cuddle from Wally will calm me instantly. Sometimes I don’t even need a hug from him just looking at him or a picture of him reminds me what is truly important in the world and whatever I am stressing about isn’t that important. I have his photo plastered all over my office desk because just one look at him will make anything seem like nothing.

If you’re looking for some more tips to help with your mental health check out my blog on tips to help shift your mood.


Wally via Love Pets Photography

Photo from Wally’s photoshoot with Love Pets Photography


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