7 tips to shift your mood
It’s weird how your mood can shift based on the tiniest things.
I woke in a good mood the other day and then boom that changed. I was missing someone I used to speak to a lot but I hadn’t spoken to them for a very long time. I had tried on many occasions but they hadn’t responded. I was going through the conversations we used to have and the loss of these interactions shifted my mood.
Woke up extremely happy and shifted to being completely melancholy. I wishing for a time that had passed when this person was a big part of my day-to-day interactions. To a time when no matter how crap a day I was having they could make me smile.
This made me realise how much our outer world and daily interactions can affect our mood. My belief is that our moods and emotions have a huge effect on our outer world, and how we process the outside world. This quick shift in mood made me realise that the opposite is also very true.
When our mood has these quick shifts we look for ways that we can get back to a balance or a happier place in our minds. Of course, there are times that the shift is from a bad mood into a good mood but we don’t usually want to change that.
These tips aren’t for people who feel there are deeper issues that are causing these mood shifts. You are best to seek out professional help. Trust your gut and your intuition you know, you may not want to acknowledge, when its something deeper.
Top 7 tips to switch your mood
♦ Watch a favourite TV show or movie
A good way to get your good mood juu juu going is by indulging in some good old fashion couch potato time. Grab a favourite show or movie, the cheeser the better, and chill. Not only will you give your mind time to rest. You will also trigger happy emotions by indulging in an enjoyable activity.
I, and don’t judge, would choose either Criminal Minds or The West Wing or one of the Avengers or Iron Man movies.
♦ Listen to favourite song or band or a genre of music that always lifts your mood
This is like the above point but who doesn’t love to put some good music on and let it envelop you. Extra points if you get up and dance like no one is watching, but I understand you can’t do this if you’re at work.
I would put some 90s pop on like Spice Girls and dance around doing my best Sporty Spice impersonation.
♦ Catch up with or speak to a friend or family member
There is nothing better than seeing someone who makes you smile or laugh every time you see them or who you love. Add to the awesome company some good food, good coffee or a few alcoholic beverages and a great time should be had. (Please know I am not implying you should use alcohol to suppress emotions. Drinks is a nice way to catch up with a loved one.) Or if you can’t catch up in person pick up the phone, which as an introvert I find hard to do, give them a call.
My go-to person to talk to anytime is my mum. If I have a bad day at work I have one or two friends who I will invite out for a catch up after work.
♦ Treat yourself to your favourite food or something special
I am not advocating emotional eating. All I am saying is that a little treat never hurts. Chocolate, for instance, is known to produce endorphins. If you can’t think of a food that will give you that pep you’re looking for, get a new book or a top or something else. This is about a little self-love in the form of a treat.
I would grab some Ben & Jerry’s Triple Caramel Chunk Ice Cream, popcorn or grab a new book.
♦ Go for a walk in nature
Get out of your house, get out of your office all I ask is for you to get outside and get some fresh air in your lungs. It doesn’t have to be a long walk or if you don’t feel like (or the weather prevents you) from going for a walk, just move. Leave the area where you currently are and are not feeling your best. This small change in scenery will cause a shift inside you.
I would say that getting outside for some fresh air will let your body reset a little and you will feel better. Even if it’s around the block or if you are at home to the letterbox.
I’m not one to go outside a lot I stick indoors but I do get up and go for a walk when things are getting too much. When I am at home I take my puppy for a walk, even if only a lap around my building.

Wally and I
♦ Hug your pet! (or someone else’s if you don’t have one)
This is the best one! But I love to hug my puppy Wally all the time so I may be a little biased. Even looking at photos of him gives me a little mood boost, but when I get to be with him it’s so much better.
If you don’t have a pet of your own go to a dog park and see if there any there that you can pat. Or look up cute animal photos or videos online.
♦ Write it out
I find this tip can actually solve pretty much any concern you have. Do some free writing, let it all flow, all the feelings you are feeling let it all out.
You may find that your emotions go through many changes, let it all happen. It’s what you need. It’s what your mind needs.
You don’t need to show anyone this, you don’t need to do anything with it, you could scrap it as soon as your done. Get it all out. You will find that once you write until you can’t write anymore you will feel so much better and also lighter.
These are also good tips for when you need to quiet your ever wondering and wandering mind.