About Me
Danielle LaPorte asked in her book Firestarter Sessions “Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you were supposed to be?” This is my mission, to rediscover this in myself and I hope to help others do the same in their own life.
Who am I?
Hi! My name is Jodie Humphries (Hi Jodie you all say dryly like we’re back in primary school and introducing ourselves in class) and I am a writer with a passion for helping people better understand how their emotions and emotional world affects their physical life and world. I am an online course junkie I am currently in the middle of a neuroscience course, multiple blogging related course, digital marketing course and anything else that takes my fancy.
My blog was created for anyone who wants to make the world a better by making themselves a better person, I am all about self-development through self-reflection. I want to better people’s understanding and ability to recognise their emotions, desires and base feelings so that they can bring their best self to the world, and enjoy their life not just live it for the sake of living it.

I am going to share with you my own personal experiences in my life but in particular with my own journey of self-discovery or self-rediscovery. By sharing my own experiences and the tools and techniques and helpers I have used to rediscover my true self and the person I was put on earth to be I hope to help you do the same. I grew up in a small country town and always felt a bit like I didn’t fit in, I was and am what is now recognised as an introvert but had the bonus of being highly empathetic to others and extremely shy. Now these mix of personality traits all adds up to epic weirdness and ebbs and flows in my emotional life that has included bouts of depression.
I grew up in a small country town and always felt a bit like I didn’t fit in, I was and am what is now recognised as an introvert but had the bonus of being highly empathetic to others and extremely shy. Now these mix of personality traits all adds up to epic weirdness and ebbs and flows in my emotional life that has included bouts of depression and continued anxiety.

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Why do I blog?
This was the hardest part of this page for me to write but I figured I am asking you to trust me I need to show some trust in you; my gorgeous beautiful visitors so here goes.
I have lived most of my life with a mask or even minor split personality as I have been able to adapt to my surrounds quite well. I would assume this was developed due to my introverted personality in order to be comfortable I would adapt my personality to the people I am around to be accepted. I have had some turmoil in my life, nowhere near as much as others and for this I am grateful.
I have had some turmoil in my life, nowhere near as much as others and for this I am grateful. My parents were in a car accident when I was eight in which my dad became a quadriplegic, which was a huge adaption for our whole family but as an eight-year-old, I wasn’t able to process it and I developed coping mechanisms. As the youngest of three children I was also the child that then spent the most time with my parents and in particular my dad as I wasn’t old enough to be left alone. This allowed for me to develop a close relationship with my parents but also made me more comfortable around adults rather than people my age, I have always felt like an old soul and this fit that perfectly. Then when I just about 14 my dad died due to, in a drawn out way, complications that come from having no movement in your lower body.
As an empath, these experiences have massively affected my own emotional life and internal structures. This is something I am still dealing with but I hope to be able to pass on some of the knowledge I have learnt from my years of going through bouts of minor to major depression, anxiety as well as personality disjointedness to help others. I want to empower people who are dealing with difficult situations to work through them and use these experiences to come out bigger, better and stronger. I want to assist people, like YOU, equip themselves to be able to take things that happen to them and not allow them to become their whole person but just something that happened. I want people to use these experiences to learn and develop themselves, the more this is done the better the world will be overall. This is my optimistic view at least.
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