From Catching up to Giving up Without Sugar
Week 7 – 2/11/2016 – 8/11/2016
After the lamb fiasco of a few weeks ago, I am still working on using up the leftover ingredients in my fridge that I ordered for that week’s meal plan. But also feeling like absolute crap due to horrible sleep, from the detox, I guess I can’t think of anything else, I have no energy or urge to cook.
But first there was one recipe I was dying to make that was set for that week, and also one of my favourites, Sarah’s KFC. This is an absolute delight to eat and so easy to make, I made it Saturday so had it Sunday and then Monday at work and Monday night. So much yumminess.
After I had finished this and in order to use up as much of the veggies as possible I decide that a recipe from week 1 might just be the trick it was a Tuscan Chicken Panzella. Basically, I didn’t look up the recipe but from memory, it was about putting a bunch of veggies in a pan with meat and baking it. So I went and grabbed a bunch of veggies out of my fridge, grabbed some yummy seafood I had stashed in my freezer and went about making this simple meal.
Chopped up all the veggies, defrosted the seafood, added some olive oil and herbs as well as a dash of coconut oil then put the seafood on with some more herbs and oil. Baked it all in the oven and ta-da an easy meal for the next few nights and also lunches for the next few days. It also solved the wastage problem as there were some veggies that if not used I would have been throwing out.
I had the added fun of continuing the exhausted feeling of last week this week and so this simple and easy to re-heat long lasting meal was perfect. This was until it ran out and I then had to think of something to eat first I had to deal with the need for lunch.
I did, however, discover I loved kombucha particularly Remedy Kombucha which is I Quit Sugar approved for its low to no sugar content. So that was a nice alternative to water or drinking vodka soda’s every night to satiate my craving for a bubbly drink.
As I was preparing to head overseas I chose not to do any of the cook ups or follow any of the 8 Week Programs recipes I just pulled some salmon I had in the freezer out made some sweet potato fries and rice. Another night I was out late another I had popcorn, then the night before I flew out to Cuba I had some fun. I had leftover sweet potato so decided to do salmon with herbs and an apple cider vinegar coating and have some carrot, onion, garlic and some of the sweet potato as a side. I tossed the veggies in a mix of Tamari, chillis, buttermilk, milk and red curry paste for something different. Baked them then put them in the frying pan for a bit, actually turned out well.
I also threw some cumin cinnamon and nutmeg on some cashews and macadamias then baked them in the oven (for a little too long) to take with me as snacks.
As I was holidaying and trying to relax in Cuba I didn’t push too hard on the whole no sugar at all thing as I don’t speak Spanish and wanted to enjoy my holiday.
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When you are on vacation it is very hard to follow any schedule. Happy to hear you did have some fun on your vacation.
Hi Venalion,
Yea,h I tried to keep some of my no sugar on my holiday but it wasn’t too successful I will be putting up the blogs from Cuba in the next day or so. I did stick to water rather than jumping back on the soft drink bandwagon which I was proud of.