Day 6 Challenge: Find 1 or 2 people who are living the kind of life you want to live, and whose tribe you’d love to be part of. Then write a short post about why you find them inspiring and the one question you would ask them if you met in real life.
As soon as I read the challenge for today I was wondering how I could cut it down to just two people, so I thought can I pick three? And so I did.
Lisa Messenger
I just love her whole outlook on life and how she is just rocking at everything she does. She started a magazine during a time when most industry people would have said magazines are dead but it has become hugely successful all over the world. Her whole way of doing things is amazing, I follow her on Snapchat and Instagram and her stories are amazing. She has this amazing chill attitude and has a great relationship with her team and is all about the fun in the day but also gets all the work done.
Check out her fabulous work at Collective Hub.
My one question for Lisa would be;
What is your number one tip for anyone wanting to start their own business into a market that others might say is dying or over saturated?
Follow Lisa on social media
Melissa Ambrosini
This woman just inspires me everyday with her energy again I follow her on the social channels and can she has a lifestyle that I admire and aspire to. She is so in tune with who she is and her book Mastering your Mean Girl is one of the triggers (along with Lisa’s books) that started me on this path to a freedom lifestyle and my journey to rediscover my truth. There is just so much about this beautiful soul that inspires me and I really do aspire to live a freedom lifestyle similar to her’s. I want to help other people find their better self, I want to be able to find a better me and centre myself through regular practices of some of my favourite things like yoga and meditation. I actually went to see a kinesiologist after I saw a snap of Mel going to hers. It was one of the most life changing things I have ever experienced and has really helped me.
Check out the amazing work Melissa does at her website, so many mean girls mastered.
My one question for Mel would be;
I know mastering your mean girl is an ever evolving process but what do you do to help yourself do this daily?
Follow Melissa on social
Lorraine Murphy
I have seen Lorraine speak and it inspired me to read her book and wow! It just blew me away, she sits up there with Lisa in my mind in terms of a business woman I aspire to emulate. She has such an amazing work ethic and such an amazing leadership style with her team and her business. She really just inspires me to be that sort of leader if I my freedom plan becomes a business that I then need a team for. She leads from her head and her heart, so do Mel and Lisa, and it shows with the success she has had. Plus she is just a beautiful soul and lovely to every person who she speaks to.
Check out the remarkable work of Lorraine and The Remarkables Group.
My question for Lorraine would be;
What is your top tip for bloggers who want to build their brand in the Australian market?
Follow Lorraine on social
There are so many more I could mention including Kate McKibbin of Secret Bloggers Business, Fred Schebesta of, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin and then the queen of them all Oprah. These are still not all the people who inspire me but are a selection of the main heroes in my journey.
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 6