Welcome to My So Called Life Live
Can you remember who you were before the world told you
who you were supposed to be?
Danielle LaPorte
A bit about me…
Who was I supposed to be? I have what society sees as a great life in my thirties and I own my own apartment, have a mortgage, have an adorable puppy whom I love, I have a day job and beautiful people around me.
But all this is not what my beautiful soul was meant to be doing so I am now on a journey to find what lights me up. What lights the fire in me? What would make me jump out of bed in the morning and get to it? I want my life to be on fire. I want to live my life not just survive. I want to be the person I dream I am in my head.
Join me on this journey and I hope to help you on your own journey in this life both with what I am experiencing now and have in my life.
Welcome inside my mind
I have always found that I express myself best through the written word. I don’t understand why, however, it took me so long to decide to create a blog and allow the world to read the ramblings and goings on that I often like to express.
I hope you find my blog helpful, insightful, inspirational and enjoyable. I write from my own personal stories, experiences and points of view on topics ranging from wellness, mental health and creating a life you love. Enjoy!
What can I offer you?
Go and find my latest digital products available for purchase as well as information on other products I offer.
I offer freelance writing services for a range of subject matter depending on your personal needs.
I am all about getting like-minded people together so, please reach out, contact and interact with me and others.