Comments policy
We have all heard the old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything” same goes for the internet and comments. If all your comment is is something nasty that is coming from the negative part of your mind then don’t bother, constructive criticism and lively debate on all topics is always welcome. Just don’t get personally negative and mean, no one likes a mean person. The rule is if you wouldn’t like a complete stranger saying it to you then don’t put it on the internet.
Also all comments are moderated and will be reviewed before publishing, if you choose to be mean or nasty your comment will not be published. If you do this multiple times you will be marked as spam or blocked from having comments published.
Privacy Policy
As per the Privacy Act no personal information will be published without the express persmission of the relevant parties. I will not share your personal information including email address and name with any third parties without your express permission. Your privacy is important to me and I wish to respect it at all times, if you feel your privacy has been breached due to use of this site please contact and I will look into the issue and follow up as needed.
Disclosure statement
Some of the content and links on this site may lead you to affiliate website or other websites outside of this site. If you do not wish for this movement to be tracked for advertising purposes please turn off cookies in your relevant browser settings. (layout how to tun off cookies for Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari)
This policy is current for February 2017. This privacy policy and disclosure statement is subject to change at any time without prior notification so please check back if you are concerned.
All content on this website is copyrighted to My So Called Life Live unless otherwise attributed. I am happy for you to share and share a like all the content of this blog just please remember to attribute all relevant parties correctly.
The images on this website are a mix of my own and stock images that will be attributed to the relevant artists all other images have been personal taken by me. Please only use the images when attributing to the original source correctly. Please don’t alter the images without the express permission of the artist who owns the original copyright.
All free printable and downloadables are for your personal use only and should not be reproduced for any commercial purpose. Feel free to share images from this site including those of the printable or downloadables but remember to attribute them with links back to this website.
Again I would like to stress that you should feel free to share all the content on this website as much as you would like, there are relevant social media sharing buttons on all pages or you if you prefer to share another way feel free.